How Does Invisalign Work?

How Does Invisalign Work?

The single biggest predictor of a lifetime of dental health is aligned arches and a stable, healthy bite. Dr. Alexandria Russ believes that your best smile can be achieved naturally at any age. Adult orthodontics reduces risks of periodontal disease, abnormal tooth wear, prevents the results of aging smiles, and allows us to restore them to their ideal function and aesthetics. Invisalign aligns the teeth into an ideal functional position and can lay the foundation for finishing touches and cosmetic work.

All clear aligners are not equal. Patient experience and results can vary greatly depending on the doctor and the products used and there is no substitute for experience. Dr. Russ has been providing Invisalign since 2012 and designs hundreds of cases per year. She believes that orthodontics can be yours with fewer dental appointments and better long term results.

If you have experienced crowding of your teeth or accelerated wear- or simply want a straighter healthier smile, come in for a consultation to see what we can achieve with Invisalign! Here is the process of how Invisalign works for our patients.

how does Invisalign work infographic
dental consultation

Consultation Appointment

First and foremost, you’ll make an appointment with our team to get started with your Invisalign treatments. In this consultation, we’ll discuss your goals, any health or budget limitations, and set up a treatment plan for your clear braces.

doctor showing patient invisilign trays

Aligners Created For You

Once your consultation is complete and your care plan has been created and approved, your aligners will be created specifically for you! As your teeth move as a result of treatment, your aligners will be adjusted or recreated so your mouth stays healthy and your smile is making progress toward your goals.

invisalign tray on teeth

Pressure Moves Your Teeth

You may be wondering how exactly your aligners work to move your teeth. When you put them on, you’ll notice pressure against your teeth, and this pressure is what moves them in the desired directions for healthier, straighter teeth.

woman with a straight smile

Ensure a Healthy, Beautiful Smile!

As you continue through your aligner treatments, you’ll notice that your smile not only looks closer to your goals, but that it’s feeling better, too! With teeth that are straightened and more in line with your jaw, you’re less likely to feel discomfort in your mouth while chewing, smiling, or speaking.

Learn more about Invisalign and get started with your treatment by making an appointment today!

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