The Basics of Dental Crowns and Bridges

The Basics of Dental Crowns and Bridges

The smile is the crown jewel of your face, and it's time to give it the royal treatment it deserves! Here at Boulder Smiles, we offer expert dental crowns and bridges, the perfect solution for repairing and restoring your smile to its original beauty. As one of the leading providers of aesthetic dentistry in Boulder, our experienced team of dentists is dedicated to providing the best possible care for all your oral rehabilitation needs. Read on to learn more about these dental procedures!

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What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are placed over a damaged or decayed tooth to protect it from further harm and restore its natural shape and appearance. Our team uses the latest in aesthetic dentistry techniques to create crowns that blend seamlessly with your existing teeth for a smile that's as natural as can be.

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The Power of Dental Bridges

When one or more teeth are missing, dental bridges come to the rescue! These restorative devices use the surrounding teeth for support and fill in the gap with a replacement tooth. Bridges not only improve your smile, but they also prevent your remaining teeth from shifting out of place.

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The Benefits of Restorative Dentistry

With restorative dentistry, our team not only repairs your teeth but also works to preserve your oral health. Whether you need a dental crown or a bridge, our Boulder dentists will design a custom treatment plan tailored to your needs and goals.

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Dental Restoration Technology

At Boulder Smiles, we believe in utilizing the latest technology and techniques in dental restoration. With the help of digital imagery and 3D printing, we can create precise and personalized dental crowns and bridges that will last a lifetime.

When it comes to oral rehabilitation, you deserve the best. Let our team at Boulder Smiles provide the dental restoration you need to have the smile of your dreams. Give us a call today to schedule your appointment.

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